Avril Lavigne (born Avril Ramona Lavigne, September 27, 1984 in Belleville, Ontario, Canada), is a Juno award-winning and Grammy-award nominated singer, songwriter. In 2002, Lavigne reached mainstream success after her debut single, Complicated, and her debut album Let Go, gained lots of media attention and honourably earned her reputation of a 'skater punk' persona and 'pop punk princess' when she was only 17 years old. Since her professional debut
Four years of hard work!This month of May we celebrated four years on the air. We continue working on the dissemination of this wonderful instrument, thank you for participating in our story!
Verse 1: EmCadd9GD Why do you look___ so____ fa-mil-iar? EmCadd9GD I could swear_ that I___ have seen your face be-fore.__ EmCadd9GD I think I like___ that you seem__ sin-cere._____ EmCadd9GD I think I'd like__ to get __ to know_____ you a lit-tle bit more._
Chorus: AmG/BCadd9 I think there's some-thing more,_______ life's worth liv-in' for.______ G Who knows what could hap-pen? Cadd9 Do what you do, just keep on___ laugh-in'. GCadd9 One thing's true: there's al-ways a brand new day._____________ AmG/BCadd9 I'm gon-na live to-day__ like it's my__ last day._______
Verse 2: EmCadd9GD How do you al-ways have_ and o-pin-ion, EmCadd9GD and how do you al-ways find_ the best___ way to com-pro-mise? EmCadd9GD We don't need_ to have_ a__ rea-son EmCadd9GD5 We don't need an-y-thing,_ we're just wast-in' time._
Go back to Chorus
Bridge: G5 Find your-self, 'cause I can't_ find_ you C5 Be your-self. Who are__ you?_____ G5 Find your-self, 'cause I can't_ find_ you C5 Be your-self. Who are__ you?_____ no chords Who knows what could hap-pen?
Do what you do, just keep on__ laugh-in'
One thing's true: there's al-ways a brand_ new day._____ CDG So you go and make it hap-pen Cadd9 Do your best, just keep on__ laugh-in'. I'm GCadd9 tell-in' you, there's always a brand_ new day._______ G Who knows what could hap-pen? Cadd9 Do what you do, just keep on__ laugh-in' GCadd9 One thing's true: there's al-ways a brand_ new day._____ AmG/BCadd9 I'm gon-na live to-day__ like it's my___ last day._____