Plastic Bubble - Animal Liberation Orchestra
Tabbed by: Jordan
Email: 1withthefluff@gmail.com
Tuning: Standard
Played on Ukulele, chords transferred to guitar
Gmaj ? ** Dmaj7 Cm Fmaj
E - 3 5 5 8 8
B - 3 5 6 8 10
G - 4 5 5 9 10
D - 5 5 7 10 10
A - 5 7 5 10 8
E - 3 x x 8 x
Song Layout:
Intro & Verses
Gmaj Am7? Dmaj7 Am7
Gmaj Am7? Gmaj Am7
Cm Fmaj (repeat as needed)
Play with the chords a little bit and jam over the progression
Go into Chorus and thats it.
simple enough. Feel free to leave comments/suggestions
** not sure what the name of this chord is (Am7?), but play around on the 7th and 8th
frets a little on the high E string to get the same rhythm used in the song.