31 Minutos (Spanish: 31 Minutes) is a Chilean television programme which takes the form of a mock news broadcast, and is fronted by puppets who present various items. The programme was devised by Álvaro Díaz and Pedro Peirano of producers APLAPLAC, and was first shown in March 2003 on the TVN channel.
31 Minutos has achieved considerable success on Chilean television, captivating adult viewers as much as children. This is reflected in the range and quantity of commercial products spawned by the programme
This month of May we celebrated four years on the air. We continue working on the dissemination of this wonderful instrument, thank you for participating in our story!
CF-GCF Como cada año le escribi a Santa Claus CF-GCDO una bella carta y la meti en un buzon CFGCF pero descubri que esa carta no leyo CFGCDO porque el me trajo lo primero que encontro
CFDm y yo le pedi una explicacion EmG o que me diera una razon DGF dime viejo guaton
CF-GCF A las pocas horas el anciano respondio CF-GCDO que yo no entendia los regalos que me dio CF-GCF el mantel y la peineta son de mucha utilidad CF-GCDO todos los regalos valen cuando es navidad
CFDm porque lo importante es la amistad EmG y compartir en sociedad DG y gozar y reir FG y comer, jin gong bell FGF -> Em -> Dm jin gong bell, jin gong bell
CFGCF al año siguente le pedi solo un mantel CFCDO y una bicicleta me trajo papa noel