Band: Panic! at the disco
Song: It's Time to Dance, Cause' Boys will be Boys
Tabbed by: Greg Merritt
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Here's a GREAT song by a GREAT up and coming band.
Go to
to hear them.
Standard Tuning
Intro Guitar 1 (this is probably a little bit off)
Intro Guitar 2 (quieter)
D A A# A# A F G G
Verse Guitar 1
X X X X A# G A# G-F~
Verse Guitar 2 (octaves?)
A# G A# G A# G A# G-F
Pre-Chorus (Guitar 2)(octaves?)
A# G A#
Chorus (both Guitars)
D A A# A# A F G G
D A A# A# A F G G
Post-Chorus (Guitar 2)
A# G A# G F~
Verse 2 (both Guitars)
A# G A# G A# G A# G-F~
Pre-Chorus 2 (no guitar)
Chorus 2 (both Guitars)
D A A# A# A F G G
D A A# A# A F G G
Bridge (not sure if this is guitar or not, but I think it'd be guitar two)(octaves?)
A A# D F(low)
A A# D F(high)
A A# D D
A# C D F(high)
A# C D F(high)
Chorus 3 (both Guitars)
A# C D F(high)
A# C D F(high)
End-on (both Guitars strumming)