Maia (born July 9, 2000) known professionally as mxmtoon is an American singer-songwriter and social media personality from Oakland, California. She is known for singing and playing the ukulele. Her 2018 self-released EP, plum blossom, recorded on her laptop in her parents' guest bedroom, has been streamed over 100 million times. In 2019, she played sold out tours and her debut album the masquerade was released in September.
Recording with GarageBand in her parents' guest bedroom
Four years of hard work!This month of May we celebrated four years on the air. We continue working on the dissemination of this wonderful instrument, thank you for participating in our story!
[Verse] AF#m I don't know if I'm in love with you DA Or the idea of loving you F#m It's unclear I mean I used to feel so sure DA But I might just be immature
[Verse] A I've been F#mDA Stuck on you for so long that it's hard F#mDA To tell myself I may be wrong F#m About DA The way that I feel for you for so long F#m I would squeal DAF#mDADD Over a single text from yoo-ooo-oou yoo-ooo-oou
[Chorus] A Cause it's not love F#mDA When you don't talk anymore F#m And it's not love ADA When I never meant something to you AD So why did I F#mD Ever catch A These stupid feelings
[Verse] AF#m I knew when you told me I was cute DA That I was dreaming
AF#m So now I'll try and tell myself DA My feelings have no meaning
DAF#m They have no meaning DAF#mD They have no meaninggggg
[Chorus] A Cause it's not love D When you don't talk anymore A And it's not love D When you make me feel like I'm a bore A And it's not love DA When I was the only one who's waiting A And it's not love F#mDF#m When there was no chance of you saying DAF#m I love you too DAF#mAF#m I love you too-ooo-oo-oohh
[Verse] AF#m And I don't know if I'm in love with you DA Or the idea of loving you F#m It's unclear I mean I used to feel so sure A But I might just be immature
[Outro] A I've been F#mDA So stuck on you for so long that F#mA It's hard to tell myself I may be wrong