The Avett Brothers is an American folk-rock band that originated in Concord, North Carolina. Two brothers, Seth Avett and Scott Avett, formed the group in 2000 after the breakup of the former rock band, Nemo, adding a third member, Bob Crawford. Subsequently, they have been joined by cellist Joe Kwon. The Avett Brothers combine old-time country, bluegrass, punk, pop melodies, folk, rock and roll, honky tonk and ragtime to produce a sound described by the Washington Post as "post civil-war modern rock", or by other reviewers as "grungegrass".
This month of May we celebrated four years on the air. We continue working on the dissemination of this wonderful instrument, thank you for participating in our story!
BBB Don'tpushmeout, BBB Justalittlelonger E Stallyourmother, Emaj7BBsus4B D Disregardyourfather'swords BBB Closethelaundrydoor, BBB Tiptoeacrossthefloor E Keepyourclotheson, Emaj7BBsus4B I IgotallthatIcantake E Teachmehowtouse Emaj7BBsus4B T Thelovethatpeoplesayyoumade
BBB Stopyourparents'car BBB Ijustsawashootingstar E Wecanwishuponit Emaj7BBsus4B But we wont share the wish we made E ButIcantkeepnosecrets, Emaj7BBsus4B I Iwishthatyouwouldalwaysstay
BBB LastnightIdreamtthewholenightlong BBB Iwokewithaheadfullofsongs E Ispentthewholeday Emaj7BBsus4B I Iwrote'emdown butitsashame E TonightI'llburnthelyrics, Emaj7BBsus4B Cause every Chorus was your Causeeverychoruswasyourname