Los secretos is a spanish group founded in the Madrid of the 80,s . Their music was like a breath of fresh air with daily life lyrics.Their first artistic name was "Tos", with Urquijo,s Brothers and Canito. Their breakout album was named like the group, then came "Todo sigue igual", "Algo mas", etc. The group had a very big handicap with the death of Enrique Urquijo, founder member of the group. Since then Alvaro Urquijo took the responsability. Now they have new album "Una y mil veces"
Four years of hard work!This month of May we celebrated four years on the air. We continue working on the dissemination of this wonderful instrument, thank you for participating in our story!
Esta es mi primera Transcripcion, no tiene mucho merito pero ahi va. Gracias a Jarana y al Madri por introducirme en la guitarra Gracias a Jonsu, al Peri, al de "Bulbuente" y en especial a los Jardos de Ainzon por aguantar mis melodias