Sing Out Joyfully
Song 11
G13sus4 012303
[Verse 1]
G13sus4 G7 C C#dim Dm
Your glo - ry, God, your mighty works a - bound,
G7 C
In skies a - bove, their praise for you re - sounds.
G13sus4 G7 C E+5 F
Cre - a - tion speaks with - out a voice or word;
F#dim C/G Fm/D C/G F/G G7 Am Em/G Fma7
In all the earth, its message can be heard.
Em Dm11 C E+5 F
Cre - a - tion speaks with - out a voice or word;
F#dim C/G Fm/D C/G F/C G7 C
In all the earth, its message can be heard.
[Verse 2]
G13sus4 G7 C C#dim Dm
True wis - dom starts with wholesome fear of you
G7 C
And guards our way in all we say and do.
G13sus4 G7 C E+5 F
Your wise com-mands en-light-en young and old—
F#dim C/G Fm/D C/G F/G G7 Am Em/G Fma7
A trea-sure far ex - ceed - ing fin - est gold.
Em Dm11 C E+5 F
Your wise com - mands en-light-en young and old—
F#dim C/G Fm/D C/G F/C G7 C
A trea - sure far ex - ceed - ing fin - est gold.
[Verse 3]
G13sus4 G7 C C#dim Dm
By know - ing you, our life is not in vain,
G7 C
And by your word, our life will be sus - tained.
G13sus4 G7 C E+5 F
The great - est hon - or an - y - one can gain
F#dim C/G Fm/D C/G F/G G7 Am Em/G Fma7
Will come to all who sanc - ti - fy your name.
Em Dm11 C E+5 F
The great - est hon - or an - y - one can gain
F#dim C/G Fm/D C/G F/C G7 C
Will come to all who sanc - ti - fy your name.