Phineas and Ferb is a Disney Channel cartoon series that centers on two step-brothers and their adventures in their backyard during summer vacation. The show had four sneak peeks of the series, on August 17, 2007, after High School Musical 2 on September 28, 2007, after Disney Channel's premiere of Sky High, and another on November 23, 2007 after High School Musical Pop-Up Edition. The series premiered worldwide on February 1, 2008. It is also the first DCOS to premiere simultaneously worldwide.
Four years of hard work!This month of May we celebrated four years on the air. We continue working on the dissemination of this wonderful instrument, thank you for participating in our story!
FGC Love was once a crazy dream FGC Now it's my new evil scheme FGC And I'm as happy as can be
AmG It's the age old story FAmG How an evil boy meets an evil girl FAmG We've got love strong enough to rule the whole wide world FAmG We both maniacally laugh at all the same stuff F I found my other half DGFEmDm Yes I've got an evil love oooooo
CFGC When our robot armies march FGC To the beating of our hearts FGC I'm as happy as can be
AmG It's the age old story FAmG How an evil boy meets an evil girl FAmG We've got love strong enough to rule the whole wide world FAmG We both maniacally laugh at all the same stuff F I found my other half DGFEmDm Yes I've got an evil love oooooo