I play guitar for my local church and wanted to share the chords I use for the hymns we sing.
The chords I use are based off of our hymn book and therefore, you could find some weird chords
that would be hard to play with no capo.
I will try to suggest what to transpose the song to using the transpose tool and then where to
place the capo to remain on key. EX: Bb is G with capo on 3
All Hail the Power
1. All hail the power of Je- sus name! Let an- gels pro- strate fall;
2. Ye cho- sen seed of Is-rael's race, Ye ran-somed from the fall,
3. Let Ev- ery kind- red, ev- ery tribe, On this ter- res- trial ball,
4. O that with yon- der sa- cred throng We at His feet may fall!
1. Bring forth the roy - al di - a - dem, And crown Him Lord of all;
2. Hail Him who saves you by His grace, And crown Him Lord of all;
3. To Him all maj - es- ty as- cribe, And crown Him Lord of all;
4. We'll join the ev - er- last- ing song, And crown Him Lord of all;
1. Bring forth the roy - al di - a - dem, And crown Him Lord of all;
2. Hail Him who saves you by His grace, And crown Him Lord of all;
3. To Him all maj - es- ty as- cribe, And crown Him Lord of all;
4. We'll join the ev - er- last- ing song, And crown Him Lord of all;