Noah and the Whale were an English alternative/folk group formed in Twickenham, London in 2006. Their final line-up consisted of Charlie Fink (vocals, guitar), Tom Hobden (fiddle, keyboards), Matt "Urby Whale" Owens (bass), Fred Abbott (keyboards, guitar) and Matthew Petulla (drums). Former members of the band include Doug Fink (drums), Laura Marling (vocals, guitar) and Jack Hamson (drums). According to Songfacts, the band's name is a combination of the title of one of their favorite films
This month of May we celebrated four years on the air. We continue working on the dissemination of this wonderful instrument, thank you for participating in our story!
CFGF x4 CFGF O h w ell in five years tim e w e could be w alk ing round a zoo CFGF W ith th e sun s h ining dow n ove r m e and you CFGF And th e re ll be love in th e bodie s of th e eleph ants too CFGF And I ll put m y h ands ove r your e ye s but you ll pe ep th rough CFGF And th e re ll be sun sun sun all ove r our bodie s CFGF And sun sun sun all dow n our neck s CFGF And sun sun sun all ove r our face s CFGF And sun sun sun so w h at th e h eck CFGF Cos I ll be laugh ing at all your s illy little jokes CFGF And w e ll be laugh ing about h ow w e us e d to smoke CFGF All th os e stupid little cigarette s and drink stupid wine CFGF Cos it s w h at w e ne e de d to h ave a good time CFGF And it w as fun fun fun w h en w e w e re drinking CFGF It w as fun fun fun w h en w e w e re drunk CFGF And it w as fun fun fun w h en w e w e re laughing CFGF It w as fun fun fun oh it w as fun CFGF x2