Lakewood Church is a church in Houston,TX where in the praise and worship is lead by Cindy Cruse-Ratcliff, Israel Houghton, Steve Crawford, and Da'dra Crawford, along with the Lakewood Church choir.
Four years of hard work!This month of May we celebrated four years on the air. We continue working on the dissemination of this wonderful instrument, thank you for participating in our story!
[Chorus 1] C2/EC/FC2/BC2 Glory to God in the highest. C2/EC2/FC2/BC2Am7Gm7FM7 Glory to God in the highest place. C2/BC2 You are the Lord God Almighty. Am7Dm7C2/EC/FG7susF2 You are highly exalted o - ver all the earth.
[Instrumental] C2/BC2C2/EC2/FC2/BC2
[Verse 1] F2GG/AAm7 You are great and glo - rious, F2GC2/E Ever watching over us. FGE7/G#Am Majestic and so mar - velous, Dm7C2/EGm7Gb7(b9) Highly exalted, highly exal - ted. F2GG/AAm7 We declare You’re wonderful, F2GC2/E Passionate and powerful. F2E7G#dim7Am7 Father, forever You are faith - ful. Dm7C2/EEbm7Db2/F Highly exalted, highly exalted.
[Chorus 2] Gb2Db2/CDb2Db2/FDb2/Gb Glory to God in the highest. Db2/CDb2Bbm7Abm7GbM7 Glory to God in the highest place. Db2/BDb2 You are the Lord God Almighty. Bbm7Ebm7Db2/FDb/GbAb7susGb2 You are highly exalted o - ver all the earth.
[Instrumental] Db2/CDb2Db2/FDb/GbDb2/CDb2
[Verse 2] Gb2AbAb/BbBbm7 You are great and glo - rious, Gb2AbDb2/F Ever watching o - ver us. Gb2AbF7/ABbm Majestic and so mar - velous, Ebm7Db2/FAbm7G7(b9) Highly exalted, highly exal - ted. Gb2AbAb/BbBbm7 We declare You’re won - der - ful, Gb2AbDb2/F Passionate and powerful. Gb2F7Adim7Bbm7 Father, forever You are faith - ful. Ebm7Db2/FEm7D2/F# Highly exalted, highly exalted.
[Chorus 3] G2D2/C#D2D2/F#D2/G Glory to God in the highest. D2/C#D2Bm7Am7GM7 Glory to God in the highest place. D2/C#D2 You are the Lord God Almighty. Bm7Em7D2/F#Fm7Eb2/G You are highly exalted, highly exalted.
[Chorus 4] Ab NC A7(#5)Abm7 Glory to God in the highest. NC Ebm7Dbm7Cm7 Glory to God in the high - est place. Abm7Gm7Cm7 You are the Lord God Almighty. Fm7Eb2/GBbm7 You are highly exalted o - ver all the earth.
[Bridge] DbM7/EbEbDb/Eb High - ly, highly exalted, oh Lord. DbM7/EbCM7/DBM7/Db You are highly, F7+5-9Bb7+5+9C9 There’s no other name that is high - er Db9D9DbM7/EbEbDb/Eb You are high - ly, highly exalted, oh Lord DbM7/EbCM7/DBM7/DbDb You are highly, Fm7Eb2/GF#m7F#m7/B Highly exalted, highly exalted. DM7/EED/E Might - y, mighty in battle, oh Lord. DM7DbM7/EbCM7/D You are mighty, F#7+5-9F#7+5-9B13C#9 There’s no other name that is strong - er, D9Eb9DM7/EED/E You are might - y, mighty in battle, oh Lord. DM7DbM7/EbCM7/D You are mighty, F#m7E2/G#Gm7F2/A Highly exalted, highly exalted
[Chorus 5] Bb2F2/EF2F2/AF2/Bb Glory to God in the highest. F2/EF2Dm7Cm7BbM7 Glory to God in the highest place. F2/EF2 You are the Lord God Almighty. Dm7Gm7F2/A You are highly exalted, BbM9Dm9 Highly exalted, Gm7F/AF/BbGm/CBb Highly exalted over all the earth
[Instrumental] F2/EF2F2/AF2/BbF2/EF2
[Outro] F2/AF2/BbF2/EF2Dm7 Over all the earth. Gm7F/AF/BbGm/CF Highly exalted over all the earth!