Sukima Switch is a Japanese jazz fusion duo consisting of core members Takuya Ohashi (????, Ohashi Takuya?), born May 9, 1978, and Shintaro Tokita (?????, Tokita Shintaro?), born February 25, 1978, formed in 2003. Formerly part of BMG Japan (bought by SMEJ in early 2009), they are part of Sony Music Japan's Areola Japan label since September 2009.
Ohashi's musical duties include vocals, guitar, and harmonica while Tokita's duties include piano/keyboard
Four years of hard work!This month of May we celebrated four years on the air. We continue working on the dissemination of this wonderful instrument, thank you for participating in our story!
Escuchen la canción para ver los tiempos, sobre todo en el coro porque el primer acorde dura dos tiempos. Tengo la letra en español por si les interesa. Solo escriban a mi correo. Aclaraciones o comentarios bienvenidos y gracias :) ¡Espero la disfruten!
Intro: C7SUS4 - Cm7 Bb - Bbsus4 x2 CmF
Verso: BbD#DmGm D#BbCmF BbD#DmGm D#DmCmD
Coro: D#DmGm D#DGmBb D#FD7Gm D#DmCmFBb
Verso 2 igual Coro
Instrumental: Gm, D, Gm, Bb, D#D Gm, Bb, Cm, F#, C, D
Brake: D#FDm7Gm F#G#FmBbm D#FmF#mG#
F.... Sube de tono...
Coro 1 tono mayor F#FmBbm F#FBbmC# F#G#FBbm F#G#F#G#