Stanley Allison Rogers (November 29, 1949 – June 2, 1983) was a Canadian folk musician and songwriter.
Rogers was noted for his rich, baritone voice and his traditional-sounding songs which were frequently inspired by Canadian history and the daily lives of working people, especially those from the fishing villages of the Maritime provinces and, later, the farms of the Canadian prairies and Great Lakes. Rogers died in a fire aboard Air Canada Flight 797 on the ground at the Greater Cincinnati Airport at the age of 33.
Four years of hard work!This month of May we celebrated four years on the air. We continue working on the dissemination of this wonderful instrument, thank you for participating in our story!
Northwest Passage 2/4 Stan Rogers from the album "Northwest Passage" 1981 Fogarty's Cove Music Inc. Standard Tuning Two Strums per chord submitted by Ken Lee [email protected] Chorus: / D / A Ah, for / just one / time, / G / Bm I would / take the Northwest / Passage / G / D To / find the hand of / Franklin, / Em / G Reaching / for the Beaufort / Sea. / D / A Tracing / one warm / line, / G / Bm Through a / land so wide and / savage, and G / D - A / D Make a Northwest / Passage, to the / sea
D / A Westward from the / Davis Strait, / G / Bm 'Tis / there was / said to / lie, / G / D The / sea route to the / Orient, / G / Em For / which so many / died, D / A Seeking gold and / glory, / G / Bm Leaving / weathered broken / bones, and / G / D - A / D A / long forgotten / lonely cairn of / stones
/ D / A Three / centuries there - / after, / G / Bm I take / passage over / land, / G / D In the / footsteps of brave / Kelso, / Em / G Here his / "sea of flowers" be - / gan. / D / A Watching / cities rise be - / fore me, / G / Bm Then be - / hind me sink a - / gain, / G / D This / tardiest ex - / plorer driving / hard, A / D A - cross the / plains
/ D / A And / through the night be - / hind the wheel, / G / Bm The / mileage clicking / west, / G / D I / think upon Mac - / kenzie, / Em / G David / Thompson, and the / rest, / D / A Who / cracked the mountain / ramparts, and / G / Bm Did / show a path for / me, / G / D - A / D To / race the roaring / Fraser, to the / sea..
/ D / A How / then am I so / different, / G / Bm From the / first men through this / way, / G / D Like / them, I left a / settled life, / Em / G I / threw it all a - / way, / D / A To / seek a Northwest / Passage, / G / Bm At the / call of many / men, / G / D - A / To / find there, but the / road back home a - / D gain.