Andreas Gabalier (born in Graz on 21 November 1984) is a famous Austrian folk singer. In 2012, he won the ECHO music award in folk music category, the Amadeus Austrian Music Award in 2012 as Best Live Act and best 'Schlager' singer and in 2013, again the Amadeus award in Folk music category.
Four years of hard work!This month of May we celebrated four years on the air. We continue working on the dissemination of this wonderful instrument, thank you for participating in our story!
EmCDEm Du stehst da oben - im Siegessinn EmCDEm Pochende Venen - Adrenalinmaschin EmC Die Wadel beißen - hart wie Eisen DEm Slalomstaungan - niederreißen EmC Die Zeitn rennan - die Schenkel brennan DDD (single down strum) Gwinnen und - verlieren kennan
Em Go go go C Go for gold GD On a mountain high where the eagles fly EmC Reach for number one GD Fight for the nation you belong EmC Go for gold H7 H7 (single down strum) Go for gold
Instrumental: Em - C - D - Em
EmCDEm Du stehst da oben - wie a Kroftsymbol EmCDEm Für ewige Zeiten - Nationsidol EmC Tribühnen beben - im Sportlerleben DEm Adler die durch - Lüfte schweben EmC Leistung bringen - Schanzenspringen DD (single down strum) Fahnen schwingen - und alle singen
EmCDEm Die letzten Sekunden - vorm unsterblich sein EmCDEm Steht dei Land hinter dir - Go and make it shine - EmC Die Wadel beißen - hart wie Eisen DEm Slalomstaungan - niederreißen EmC Die Zeitn rennan - die Schenkel brennan DDD (single down strum) Gwinnen und - verlieren kennan