These are the chords for Dallas Green's guitar on the acoustic cover of "The Northern"
Dallas and Wade from Alexisonfire. Watch it here
Wade's chords are easy and in standard tuning. I do not feel the need to tab them as
people ask for Dallas' chords. Sorry =).
Dallas' guitar is tuned BADF#BE from low e to high e.
Bm Em
E |----0----0------0---|
B |----0----0------0---|
F# |----8----7h8----1---|
D |----9----9------2---|
A |----9----9------2---|
B |----0----0------x---|
This is the main chord that he is playing throughout the verses. The seconnd chord is a
hammer-on that he occasionally does. He slides down to the Em every few bars and when he
singing as well. You can mute the high b string if you want it sounds alright either way.
Verse Part 2
E |----0----0-----0----|
B |----0----0-----0----|
F# |----0----0-----0----|
D |----0----11----0----|
A |----5----12----x----|
B |----3----10----12---|
E |----0----0----0----0-0---0-0-0-0--0----|
B |----0----2----0----0-0---0-0-0-0--0----|
F# |----2h3--3----3----3-0---0-0-0-0--0----|
D |----4----4----5----5/7---2/42-2--4----|
A |----4----4----5----5/7---2/42-0--2----|
B |----x----x----x----x-x---x-x-x-x--0----|
These are all the chords that Dallas uses on the cover of The Northern with Wade. I'm
sure its about 99% correct as in the chorus there are a few things that I can't really
out but hopefully this helps anyone out. =)
Correct me if I'm wrong =).