Hannah Montana is a fictional character from the Disney Channel original series of the same name, which debuted in March 2006. The series focuses on a girl who lives a double life as an average teenage school girl named Miley Stewart (played by Miley Cyrus) by day and a famous pop singer named Hannah Montana by night, concealing her real identity from the public, other than her close friends and family.
The series, produced by It's a Laugh Productions and Michael Poryes Productions, premiered on Disney Channel on March 24, 2006, garnering 5.
Four years of hard work!This month of May we celebrated four years on the air. We continue working on the dissemination of this wonderful instrument, thank you for participating in our story!
I Only Put THe Chords.. Not Correctly In The Word... Sure You Know How To PLAY!!!.. Add MSN [email protected] Español: Solo puse los acordes... no correctamente en las palabras... segurp sabes como tocarla
Intro: E5D5A5D5 X2
E7(no3rd) You walk away from me tonight
D5 Not knowing the real me
E7(no3rd) Cuz you believe in all the hype
I just took down the magazine
C5 Take away the glamour
The world let it show
D5 And forget everything you know
C5 Take away the mirrors, the limos, the lights
B5 Cuz I don't wanna dress up tonight
EDA I'm gonna put on my old blue jeans
D5EDA I'm gonna walk outta here into the street
D5ED Would you put up resistance
AD5 Would it make a difference
ED Would you know the real me
ADE Me in my old blue jeans
E7(no3rd) You think I'm unapproachable
D5 That I don't feel enough
E7(no3rd) Should read a book cover to cover
And not be so quick to judge
C5 Take away the glamour, the make up, the clothes
D5 And forget everything you know
C5 Take away the ego, the trick of the light
B5 Cuz I don't wanna dress up tonight
EDA I'm gonna put on my old blue jeans
D5EDA I'm gonna walk outta here into the street
D5ED Would you put up resistance
AD5 Would it make a difference
ED Would you know the real me
A Me in my old?...
DEDA I'm gonna put on my old blue jeans
D5EDA I'm gonna walk outta here into the street
D5ED Would you put up resistance
AD5 Would it make a difference
ED Would you know the real me
AD Me in my old blue jeans
CD/CCDC/DDCD/CC (Peel awaaaaaay, put awaaaaaay, take awaaaaaaay.)