Alanis Nadine Morissette (born June 1, 1974) is a seven time Grammy Award-winning Canadian singer-songwriter and occasional actress. She is the best-selling female rock artist of all time.
Her international debut album Jagged Little Pill (1995) became one of the most successful albums of all time with total worldwide sales estimated at thirty million copies. Six more studio albums followed – Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie (1998), Under Rug Swept (2002)
This month of May we celebrated four years on the air. We continue working on the dissemination of this wonderful instrument, thank you for participating in our story!
CGF how bout getting off these antibiotics how bout stopping eating when I'm full up how bout them transparent dangling carrots how bout that ever elusive kudo
C thank you India thank you terror GF thank you disillusionment C thank you frailty thank you consequence GF thank you thank you silence
how bout me not blaming you for everything how bout me enjoying the moment for once how bout how good it feels to finally forgive you how bout grieving it all one at a time
thank you india thank you terror thank you disillusionment thank you frailty thank you consequence thank you thank you silence
CG the moment I let go of it was the moment F I got more than I could handle C the moment I jumped off of it GF was the moment I touched down
how bout no longer being masochistic how bout remembering your divinity how bout unabashedly bawling your eyes out how bout not equating death with stopping