'Disney' collectively refers to the soundtracks to various musicals and motion pictures created by The Walt Disney Company.
Please note that this is not an artist, but appears here due to incorrectly tagged tracks. Last.fm recommends that you attribute these songs to their composers, as per Musicbrainz. Please our FAQ for more information on our artist name guidelines.
A list of composers to popular Disney films can be found here:
This month of May we celebrated four years on the air. We continue working on the dissemination of this wonderful instrument, thank you for participating in our story!
EDbm When somebody loved me AB everything was beautiful AbmDbm every hour we spent together AB lives within my heart
EDbm And when she was sad AB I was there to dry her tears AbmDbmA and when she was happy so was I BE when she loved me
AB Through the summer and the fall AbmDbm we had each other that was all AbmDbm just she and I together AB like it was meant to be EDbm and when she was lonely AB I was there to comfort her AbmDbmBE and I knew that she loved me
DbmB So the years went by AbmDbm I stayed the same AbmDbm but she began to drift away BDbm I was left alone AmEm still I waited for the day
when she'd say AmEmB I will always love you
EDbm Lonely and forgotten AB never thought she'd look my way AbmDbm and she smiled at me and held me AB just like she used to do
EDbm like she loved me AB when she loved me
EDbm When somebody loved me AB everything was beautiful AbmDbm every hour we spent together AB lives within my heart