'Disney' collectively refers to the soundtracks to various musicals and motion pictures created by The Walt Disney Company.
Please note that this is not an artist, but appears here due to incorrectly tagged tracks. Last.fm recommends that you attribute these songs to their composers, as per Musicbrainz. Please our FAQ for more information on our artist name guidelines.
A list of composers to popular Disney films can be found here:
This month of May we celebrated four years on the air. We continue working on the dissemination of this wonderful instrument, thank you for participating in our story!
CAmG When the early morning hours have come and gone DmG Through the misty morning showers CG I greet the dawn CF For when its light has hit the ground DmFm There's lots of treasures to be found CGC Underneath the lovely London sky
CAm Though the lamps I’m turning down G Please don't feel blue DmG For in this part of London town CG The light shines through CF Don't believe the things you’ve read DmFm You never know what's up ahead CGC Underneath the lovely London sky
[Bridge] CE Have a pot of tea Am Mend your broken cup D There's a different point of view Dm Awaiting you G If you would just look up
I know
CAmG Yesterday you had to borrow from your chums DmGCG Seems the promise of tomorrow never comes CF But since you dream the night away Dm Tomorrow's here Fm It's called today C So count your blessings EAmD You're a lucky guy CGC For you're underneath the lovely London sky
G Listen CAm Soon the slump will disappear G It won't be long DmG Sooner than you think you’ll hear CG Some bright new song CF So hold on tight to those you love DmFm And maybe soon from up above CEAmD You’ll be blessed so keep on looking high CGC While you're underneath the lovely London sky