'Disney' collectively refers to the soundtracks to various musicals and motion pictures created by The Walt Disney Company.
Please note that this is not an artist, but appears here due to incorrectly tagged tracks. Last.fm recommends that you attribute these songs to their composers, as per Musicbrainz. Please our FAQ for more information on our artist name guidelines.
A list of composers to popular Disney films can be found here:
This month of May we celebrated four years on the air. We continue working on the dissemination of this wonderful instrument, thank you for participating in our story!
GmD I don't know if You can hear me GmD Or if You're even there BmG I don't know if You would listen Em - A7D To a gypsy's prayer BmEm Yes I know I'm just an outcast ABm I shouldn't speak to you GmD Still I see Your face and wonder AAsus4D Were You once an outcast too
D God help the outcasts Gm Hungry from birth EmA7 Show them the mercy Asus4AD They don't find on earth Bm God help my people Em they look to You still GD God help the outcasts AD Or nobody will
D I ask for wealth Bm I ask for fame GAD I ask for glory to shine on my name Bm I ask for love G I can possess EmDsus4A I ask for God and His angels to bless EEmAAsus4A me
D I ask for nothing Gm I can get by EmA7 But I know so many Asus4AD Less lucky than I Bm Please help my people Em The poor and downtrod GmD I thought we all were AD The children of God AD God help the outcasts ADsus4 Children of God