Devendra Obi Banhart (born May 30, 1981) is a Venezuelan American singer-songwriter and visual artist. Banhart was born in Houston, Texas and was raised by his mother in Venezuela, until he moved to California as a teenager. His first few records were released on the Young God Records label from New York City. His most recent CD was released by Nonesuch. He is one of the most popular artists to come out of the "New Weird America" movement, which includes performers such as Faun Fables
This month of May we celebrated four years on the air. We continue working on the dissemination of this wonderful instrument, thank you for participating in our story!
D DA#F#Em Pensando cada día cada hora D Pensando en ti DBEm Caminando mi cesta llena de moras D Son para ti DmFEm Temprano por la tarde y por la noche D Sueño de ti
F#mEmF#mEmBmA Lalalala
D Comiendo pera Em En santa maría de la feria D Que placer Em La gente buena solo goza nunca hay pena D Pa' que sufrir Em Jugando en el mar en la arena D Viviendo así
F#mEmF#mEmBmA Lalalala
D Ventana blanca Em Ay que venga la mañana D Ay que venga otra vez
Esperando Em Así es como yo paso mi tiempo D Esperando a Inaniel Em Y rezando por su calor por su aliento D Sobre mi piel
F#m Te digo todo aquí va bien Em Conmigo de no dormir F#m Amigo te lo suplico te lo pido EmBmA Que me ayudes a mi a mi
D Buscando Em Con mi ancla en la marea D Nadando en ti
Yo voy andando Em Óyeme te estoy llamando D Te amo a ti
EmD Por el valle me encontré un rio escondido Em Me recuerdo hacía calor pero tenia frio D Me iba a morir