Born in Bogotá, Colombia, Alex Campos is a Christian musician who is reaching all of the Americas with the great news of Jesus and the unconditional love people can find in him.
He has recorded five albums, including the his most recent, the Grammy-nominated "Cuidaré de ti". His records have included other artistes such as Marcos Witt, Coalo Zamorano, Lilly Goodman and Jesús Adrián Romero.
He lives with his wife in his native Colombia. As part of Canzion group he is considered one of the newest promises in Latin American Christian music.
This month of May we celebrated four years on the air. We continue working on the dissemination of this wonderful instrument, thank you for participating in our story!
EmEm/CEm/GD la noche acaba el dia llega EmEm/CEm/GD el sol calienta pero no quema EmEm/CEm/GD el tiempo pasa y se acelera EmEm/CEm/GD y a cada instante tu me alientas
Inter ** EmEm/CEm/GD **
EmEm/CEm/GD la lluvia cae y me refresca EmEm/CEm/GD el sad del campo que me envenena EmEm/CEm/GD la tierra gira y me doy cuenta EmEm/CD que en cada vuelta tambien me cuidas
EmGD tu mi vida entera EmGD yo el quien tu piensas EmGD voy a tu planeta EmGD tu mi vida llenas
GD tus pisadas mi destino FC es tu meta la que yo sigo GD mis estrellas son tus ojos FC son tus ojos los que yo miro GD tu planeta es mi casa FCG-D-Em-C y en tu casa es que yo vivo
Inter ** EmEm/CEm/GD **
EmEm/CEm/GD eres mi mundo en el sistema EmEm/CEm/GD soy de tu sangre sangre eterna EmEm/CEm/GD mi procedencia no esta en venta EmEm/CEm/GD yo soy del cielo de tu planeta
EmGD tu mi vida entera EmGDC voy a tu planeta
GD tus pisadas mi destino C es tu meta la que yo sigo GD mis estrellas son tus ojos C son tus ojos los que yo miro GD tu planeta es mi casa CG y en tu casa es que yo vivo