Well, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs made this cover of Björk, they recored it in a cassette tape
they sent to the great singer (Björk, of course). That songs appears in "Master", a cd
rarities and etc. The only part that they play is the chorus, so here it is:
B (IV 2/4)
I go through all this
C# F# F®
before you wake up
B (IV 2/4)
so I can feel happier
C# F# F®
to be safe up here with you
(use the same chords that appears in the chorus)
I'm back at my cliff
Still throughing stills off
I listen to the sound they make
Under way down
When my eyes be to close to open
Here nick plays this chords (maybe is not, but it's close)
G# Bbm C# X4
this chords sounds better if you play it with bars, every chord in the song:
B: 224432 or 799877
C#: 446664 or 9-11-11-10-9-9-|
F#: 244322 or 9-9-11-11-11-9-|
F®: 234422 or 9-9-10-11-11-9-|
G#: 466544
Bbm: 113321 or 688666
Any idea about the song, contact me with clarisamch@hotmail.com. Bye, kisses!