Una de las buena bandas norteamericanes de mediados a fines de los 60's y posiblemente una de las más olvidadas y subestimadas de esa época. Spirit no puede ser clasificada en un solo género ya que en su sonido hay elementos de jazz, psicodelia, hard rock y hasta rock progresivo, si nos ponemos más estrictos. El grupo estuvo originalmente compuesto por Randy California (guitarra, voz), Mark Andes (bajo), Jay Ferguson (voz, percusion), Ed Cassidy (batería) y John Locke (teclados y percusión).
Four years of hard work!This month of May we celebrated four years on the air. We continue working on the dissemination of this wonderful instrument, thank you for participating in our story!
VERSE: BmAGD Just by the wave of my ha-nd BmAGD I'd let you understa-nd
DE E -------------- B -------------- G --2/4-2----1-- D --------4--2-- A -----------2-- E -------------- EA I am not a lonely soldier
VERSE: BmAGD Just by the wave of my ha-nd BmAGD I'd let you understa-nd
DE E --------------- B --------------- G --2/4-2-----1-- D --------4-2-2-- A ------------2-- E --------------- EA I am not here for thee love
BREAK: BmAGD Know, know, know, know why she loves me BmAGD Know, know, know know why I love her
OUTRO: (Play D chord until the end) D Know, know, know, know me Know, know, know, know me
Know, know, know, know me Know, know, know, know me
Know, know, know, know me Know, know, know, know me
Know, know, know, know me Know, know, know, know me
Know, know, know, know me Know, know, know, know me
You have the world at your fingertips
No one can make it better than you
============== NOTE ================
Sometimes to break the monotony of just playing the D chord at the very end of the song (OUTRO) I will play the following over and over even though it really isn't played. I will then end the song by striking the note on 3rd fret of the B string and let ring.
Play this RIFF over and over
E -2-3-5-3-2-- B ---------------------3~~~ end on (let ring) G ------------ D ------------ A ------------ E ------------