America is a soft rock band, most popular in the early and mid 1970s and now best known for their #1 hits "A Horse With No Name" and "Sister Golden Hair." Comprised of Gerry Beckley (September 12, 1952 - ), Dewey Bunnell (January 19,1952 - ), and Dan Peek (November 1, 1950 - July 24, 2011), they were seldom a favorite with critics, but were exceptionally successful commercially selling both singles and albums. Despite the presence of other heavyweight acts like James Taylor and Rod Stewart on their roster
This month of May we celebrated four years on the air. We continue working on the dissemination of this wonderful instrument, thank you for participating in our story!
Verse: Gmaj7Cmaj7 Sometimes late when things are real Gmaj7 And People share the gift of gab Cmaj7 Between themselves Gmaj7Cmaj7 Some are quick to take the bait Gmaj7 And catch the perfect prize Cmaj7 That waits among the shells
Chorus: Em7Gmaj7 But Oz never did give nothing to the tin man Gmaj7 That he didn't already have Em7Gmaj7 And cause never was the reason for the evening Em7 Or the tropic of Sir Galahad
Bridge: Dsus4D5 So please Believe in me Verse: Gmaj7 When I say I m spinning round round round round Cmaj7 Smoke glass stain'd dright colors Gmaj7 Image going down down down down Cmaj7 Soapsud green like bubbles Gmaj7Cmaj7Gmaj7Cmaj7 Oh--------------------------
Chorus: Em7Gmaj7 (repeat chord progression) Oz never-- etc