Idlewild son una banda escocesa de rock formada en Diciembre de 1995, por Roddy Woomble (Voces), Rod Jones (guitarra), Phil Scanlon (bajo) y Colin Newton (batería).
Su sonido, aunque obedeciendo las convenciones de la música independiente rock/punk británica , es única en que, a diferencia de sus contempóraneos, ha evolucionado a lo largo del tiempo, desde su muy fronterizo, más angular, ocasionalmente casi sonido post-hardcore mostrado en sus primeros trabajos
Four years of hard work!This month of May we celebrated four years on the air. We continue working on the dissemination of this wonderful instrument, thank you for participating in our story!
GD I felt alone CD I put on my new shoes and hit the town GD I still felt alone CD I?m convinced everyone?s built to be put down
Em7 I had to say (I had to say) C What I wanted to say (what I wanted to say) Em7 I had to say (what I wanted to say) CD Where are you going to stay?
Verse 2:
GD I felt alone CD Independence day comes when you?re down GD Still felt alone CD Ten times I thought I?d almost found you
Chorus: Strummed w/slight distortion
GDCD Sometimes simple chords are the best GDCD The simple approach is the best GDCD If it makes more sense than any other GDCD It makes more sense than any other
Verse 3:
GD I felt alone CD A failed Blake knocked me to the ground GD I still felt alone CD My attempts at chivalry fell without a sound
Verse 4:
GD I felt alone CD So put on your new shoes and leave this town GD Still felt alone CD I?m convinced, everyone?s built to be put down
Chorus: Strummed w/slight distortion
GDCD Sometimes simple chords are the best GDCD The simple approach is the best GDCD If it makes more sense than any other GDCDG It makes more sense than any other