The 'Cocktail Trio' was a Dutch vocal trio active in the 50's-70's. Popular songs of them include 'Het Vlooiencircus', 'Op een Kangeroe-eiland', Batje Vier (Leve de man die het bier uitvond) and 'Wie heeft de sleutel van de jukebox gezien?'.
The founder and leader of the group was Ad van de Gein('s-Hertogenbosch, 18th of may 1922). He also wrote songs for Willeke Alberti ('Morgen ben ik de bruid') and Ria Valk('de Vrijgezellenflat') that became hits in the Netherlands.
This month of May we celebrated four years on the air. We continue working on the dissemination of this wonderful instrument, thank you for participating in our story!